Matching existing bricks has never been easier!

Bricks come in a variety of different colors, shapes, and sizes. We’ve all seen those projects where the repair or addition doesn’t exactly match the shade or size of the existing structure. The project ends up looking sloppy or out of place. It can even reduce the value of the property.

With W. L. Tucker Supply Company’s Brick Matching Tool, finding the perfect match has never been easier. Whether you’re breaking ground for an addition or repairing an old fireplace, our expert technicians can find you the perfect matching brick color, size, and texture for your project.

To get started, simply fill out the form and upload an image of the brick you’re looking for. Or, schedule an on-site visit and we’ll send a technician to your location.

We only service Northeast Ohio

Matching existing bricks has never been easier!

(.jpg, .gif, or .png image files only)


You may be asked a few follow up questions about your brick or the project after you submit your brick matching request. Please allow two business days for a response.